Employee Onboarding and Training

A high-quality employee onboarding process is among the most crucial aspects you can achieve to improve your business. Your new employees need to feel comfortable and welcome from the moment they step into the office. You must give them an outstanding impression of your company and make them feel important. For many employees who are new it is essential to make them feel that they have a clearly defined job description and clear career direction.

And, not only that, an effective onboarding program can make a huge difference in retention rates as well as your earnings. It can also increase the productivity of employees and boost morale. You also save money and time since you don’t need to replace employees on a regular basis.

A successful onboarding process starts with careful plan. You can’t just simply wing it when you are training new employees. Making sure you have planned your training and processes to deal with new employees is essential.

Before you begin hiring new employees, make a list of what they should know and how to impart the information. This will help you to manage your time. You won’t be needing to search for things to do as you try to manage your own tasks.

You can also make an onboarding checklist to use for yourself as well as one for the new employees. This will allow you to quickly decide what to do next, and to see the clear the progress made and mark the things they’ve learned. It’s a great way to motivate both sides. Better if you’ve got training software that supports the use of gamification. New employees can check off the modules they’ve completed as they complete their work, then see what’s coming next, win rewards and much more.

After you have your training for onboarding prepared and you are ready to use the calendar you have created to map your training and ensure its success.

1. Create a dedicated onboarding calendar

A lot of calendar applications permit you to create multiple calendars. For instance you can create one calendar for onboarding training, and show the entire program.

This gives you and your new employees to view your full calendar with all of your appointments and tasks, and also to view the training schedule that is on your own calendar whenever you want to.

It is beneficial to have two perspectives. When you view the calendar in the main view, you will be able to ensure that there aren’t any conflicts and you have the timing to go to training sessions. Also, with the calendar for onboarding you will be able to clearly see the program and what’s following.

2. Make sure you share your calendars

You can collaborate more effectively with the help of posting your schedules. Your new employee may have additional items scheduled on their calendars in addition to the onboarding program. For instance, they could have had medical appointments or a vacation that was booked prior to the time they were offered the job. Then there’s the job they’ll be expected to participate in.

If you and your spouse share calendars, you’ll be able to be more flexible and swiftly rearrange your schedule when something else happens. Additionally, the new employee will be able to view the times you’re available, and they can make a reservation if they require assistance.

Inviting the new staff to get started with a regular use of calendars and share with others is a good habit to follow to ensure their calendars are always available.

3. Set up your to-do list

If you aren’t working solely for employee onboarding, you’ll be juggling other tasks to fill your time. If you’re juggling your time between boarding new employees and the daily tasks being organized is vital. You can create a task/to-do-list and note notes on various calendars to keep track of your time.

This allows you to balance your job with task of onboarding. This also lets you know ahead of time of when you’re likely to be a busy week that will require more organisation and preparation.

Another advantage of adding your list of tasks on your calendar is knowing the progress you’ve made. Noting completed tasks provides the feeling of dopamine , and is extremely motivating.

4. Utilize time-blocking to make sure you complete everything

If you are trying to master anything new it might be more effective to dedicate an entire time with it instead of bouncing around in multiple sessions. The practice of time-blocking is a great way to make it easier.

But, time blocking requires breaking your week into smaller blocks to accomplish specific tasks. This is a fantastic method to integrate your list of tasks and your calendar. This is a great strategy to make sure you take onboarding classes and your usual activities and meetings.

You can decide what is most effectively for you using many possibilities and strategies. For instance, time blocking is a great tool to organize your life.

5. Set reminders

One of the great things with using a calendar as well as list of tasks are that it allows you to create reminders to help you stay on the right track.

When you’re setting up the onboarding schedule, be sure that you include reminders in places where it’s beneficial. This will ensure that you don’t skip any important meetings, tasks and your trainers.

When you’re working at work, it’s not uncommon to forget breaks and lunches. By putting reminders in place, you will ensure that you get a break whenever you’re supposed to. It will also ensure the opportunity to not put yourself in a position to burn out.

6. Integrate with Trello

Certain calendars are integrated with Trello an easy but efficient project management tool.

You can add tasks processes, and checklists to Trello. It’s useful to break down larger jobs into smaller manageable tasks. You can tick them off once you’re finished that can encourage you and your students.

Another great feature of Trello is that it allows you to organize your boards and processes using templates. When you require it again, simply copy the template, change the name and you’re all set to go.

Incorporating this option into your calendar will aid in managing your training more effectively. It is also possible to add teammates and collaborate on tasks in tandem, helping your students.

7. Bear in mind remote working

A lot of companies have now allowed remote work due to the widespread disease that should be considered. Additionally, you could be training in-office employees and remote workers on how to take them on.

It’s crucial that onboarding training is based on your company’s standards and culture, but it’s especially important that remote employees feel a part of the company.

Of course, you’ll have organize your calendar and timetable so that you can be on the same page with all your guests, regardless of whether they are remote. As well as planning meetings and tasks it is important to think about the technology you require such as Zoom, cameras, and many more. Make sure you organize your technology with enough time to prepare every meeting to make sure it’s successful.

8. Begin with a welcome packet

When you are aware of the start date of your next employee you can add a task and reminder to your calendar. You can then send them a welcoming email several days before they begin. It’s possible to save time by creating the template in case you’ll require it more than once. You can then create it, save it, and press send when you need to.

If they’re in-house Include the essential information your new employee should be aware of. Add directions to the location, park details as well as a map of the building that is marked by their office or the area they work in. Include places where they can locate vending machines, or kitchens for drinks and snacks. Include local stores like bakery stores or sandwich shops for food.

You’re putting them off in the right direction before they’ve even left the door. They will be grateful.

Don’t forget to remind your remote employees here. They’ll be grateful for a warm, friendly email that includes helpful information about starting time and expectations.

9. Utilize your data

A lot of calendars offer amazing analytics. Office 365, for example has MyAnalytics that provides data about various events and tasks. For instance, you could track how many meetings you’ve held and what you do with your time.

This is beneficial as it provides the overall picture of your onboarding instruction. You can determine whether you’re providing balanced training or if you’re leaning too much towards one particular area. You can determine if you’ve covered everything, or if you have any missing areas.

Analytics on your calendar are also helpful in boosting your general efficiency. You’ll be able to make sure you have time to work on your own work and also fit in onboarding.

10. Review your onboarding routinely

Make use of your calendar to plan subsequent meetings with employees to receive feedback on the onboarding process.

Every year, you should dialize the time at minimum to go over your onboarding process, review feedback and consider ways you can improve your performance.

Since quality onboarding is so essential for any business it is essential to be organized and up to date. A good calendar application can assist you in delivering onboarding effectively and improve.

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